Rotary Club of Flemington
OFF-SITE MEETINGS for January 2018
In typical fashion, Copper Hill Country Club will be closed during the month of January. Therefore, the January 2018 meetings will be held off-site. We will resume meetings back at Copper Hill on Wed, February 7, 2018. The following is the list of off-site meetings for January:
Wed, 1/03: OFFSITE Meeting at 55 Main.
Wed, 1/10: OFFSITE Meeting at Dockside Market & Grill
Wed, 1/17: OFFSITE Meeting at the Hunterdon Medical Center
Wed, 1/24: OFFSITE Evening Meeting at Jake’s Restaurant (5-7pm). Nibbles & Noshes in the upper bar. Note that this is not a noon meeting.
Wed, 1/31: OFFSITE Meeting at Viva Mexico.