Regular Attendance is essential for a strong and active Rotary Club. The requirements are to:
- Attend or make-up at least 50% of club meetings in each half of the Rotary Year.
- Attend at least 25% of one’s own club’s regular meetings in each half of the Rotary year.
- Miss no more than 4 consecutive meetings.
Absence from a Rotary meeting can be made up by attending a meeting at any other Rotary Club in the world within 14-days before or after the missed meeting.
Attendance of regular club meetings, fellowship events, fundraisers, District events, or similar Rotary Involved event or function is considered a make-up for a missed club meeting for 14-days before or after the function attended.
Failure to fulfill membership requirements is considered the submission of one’s resignation from the club. When a club terminates a member for non-attendance, it is simply an acceptance of one’s resignation and is not a punitive action by the club officers.