On Saturday, 11/19, the 2016 Main Street Flemington Christmas Tree was cut down and installed on Main Street in Flemington, NJ. The tree was donated by Frank Fischer of the Black Fish Christmas Tree Nursery located here in Flemington. CLICK HERE to view the photos. Thanks to Frank Fischer and Tim & Julia Hand for taking and sharing the photos.
Rich Wheeler and his crew from Tamke Tree Service helped to cut down the tree and trim the bottom branches before Raymond Hockenbury and the well drilling crew of Samuel Stothoff Company used a crane to hoist the tree onto their truck. The tree was then transported to Main Street where Samuel Stothoff’s & Tamke’s crew hoisted the tree into place for all to enjoy. The lights will be strung on the tree with the help of Rowe Electric.
A special thanks to the efforts of Tim Hand and Cubmaster Chris Runk of Cub Scout Pack 61 here in Flemington for helping to coordinate the tree efforts in conjunction with Dick Stothoff.
The Christmas Tree lighting ceremony will take place at 7pm on Friday, 12/2 at the monument on Main Street Flemington near the Presbyterian Church.
Santa Claus will be arriving at the Christmas Tree after the formal Tree Lighting Ceremony and Christmas Carols that is organized by Flemington Cub Scout Pack 61.
A Little History of the Main Street Flemington Tree Lighting Ceremony:
The Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony is Flemington Rotary’s oldest service project, which began in December 1923. This was just after the club first formed on October 3, 1923.
The annual Christmas Tree Lighting event itself has been taking place since 1922 in the heart of Flemington thanks to the hard work of many volunteers.
Originally done by a small group of volunteers, coordination efforts were taken over by the Flemington Children’s Choir and the Flemington Rotary Club. When the Children’s Choir ceased its operations, Cub Scout Pack 61 in Flemington took over the duty of coordinating the tree installation and lighting every year since 1965. The cub scout from Pack 61 that sells the most popcorn during their annual popcorn fundraiser gets the honor of lighting the Christmas Tree!
The Flemington Rotary Club has been handing out candy canes and oranges ever since 1923. The group’s involvement has been the backbone for the event since that time. Cub Scout Pack 61 and its long time cub master Doug Niece, now deceased, took over the duties in 1965 as a way to ensure that the Christmas Tree tradition continues to this day in Flemington.
Why candy canes and oranges you ask? Back in the 1920’s, it was very difficult for children to get some candy and fresh fruit to eat. These days, we can readily purchase these items at our local Supermarket, etc. So it was a VERY BIG deal for the children in attendance to get their huge Candy Cane and Fresh Orange.
Thanks to the Volunteers! A very special thanks to the volunteers that help to make the Tree Lighting a success! They include the Flemington Rotary Club, Cub Scout Pack 61, Samuel Stothoff Company, Tamke Tree Service, Rowe Electric, Dan Butt, Carpet One, Countryside Veterinary Hospital, Cornerstone Print & Imaging, the Flemington Borough Fire Department and the Flemington Borough Police Department.
For additional information, visit www.flemingtonrotarynj.org